Free Seminar on ‘How to Gain Compliance with Approved Documents L & F’

February 1, 2019

At CNC Building Control  we like to invest in our clients which is why we hold regular seminars throughout the year on Building Control related subjects.

Our next  seminar ‘How to Achieve Compliance for Parts L & F of the Approved Documents’  is being delivered by Tom Reynolds a Director of MES Building Solutions.  MES is an established consultancy practice specialising in providing sustainable building solutions throughout the UK.

This seminar offers a best practice approach to compliance and also updates delegates with the latest information on the new SAP10.

Seminar Content includes  :-

  • Introduction to the current Approved Document L for both existing and new buildings
  • Examples of best practice
  • Thermal bridging and air leakage
  • How heating fuels and M & E specifications affect performance
  • The affect and links between Parts L: & F for a range of building types
  • Explore a range of ventilation strategies including passive, mechanical extract, MVHR and demand controlled
  • Examples of ventilation strategies on a range of building types and how they affect performance

Date  : Thursday, 7th March 2019

Venue  A : Council Chamber, South Norfolk House, Long Stratton
Time : 8.30 am registration with presentation starting at 9 am

Venue B : The Boathouse, Wisbech
Time : 1 pm registration with presentation starting at 1.30 pm

Cost        : FREE
Length   : Each seminar will be in the region of 1 hour (including questions)

There will also be an opportunity for questions at the end of the presentations.  Tea/Coffee & bacon rolls (morning), light refreshments (lunchtime) will be available during registration at both venues.

Car Parking – Long Stratton Venue: available  at the rear of the staff car park

Car ParkingWisbech Venue: available outside The Boathouse

We are expecting a high response to this presentation and numbers are limited, so please book early to avoid disappointment by emailing

The closing date for replying is Friday, 1st March  2019.


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